New Music : Matoma & Frenship – Knives

(New Song Realese : Knives by Matoma & Frenship)
Artis : Matoma & Frenship
Title : Knives
Genre : Pop
Date : Nov, 16 2015
Knives by Matoma & Frenship

Quotable Lyrics for Matoma & Frenship - Knives
I know a love that keeps me calm at storms,
Keeps the blood inside me warm
Wherever I go, it never leaves
Like a suitcase of memories

I know love is stronger than I am
It beats me up, and keeps me trying
And when I can't, it fights for me
From boy to man, and in between

I remember backpack, and bottled water
Them days I've seen the bottom
Free falling, two words from the night is over fire pits
Who's got the words to my mistakes?
I hope you heard what I meant to say

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